Vitamin C and Heart Disease

What happens when bodies don’t get enough Vitamin C?

There is too little reproduction of the reinforcement molecules called collagen which make up not only the bones, but also the skin, the organs, the walls of the arteries, most importantly. If the walls of the arteries get too little Vitamin C they develop lesions, cracks, crevices and that’s where the cholesterol goes in and leads to the build up of the deposits that eventually lead to heart attacks and strokes.

If you don’t get enough Vitamin C you will get heart disease?

Vitamin C deficiency is the single most important risk factor for developing cardiovascular heart disease, heart attacks and strokes. On top of that there are the risk factors that we know — cholesterol and bad lifestyle in general. But particularly deficiency in Vitamin C is the single most important factor that causes heart attacks and strokes.

If your body isn’t able to make those repairs in your blood vessels when they get weakened, what happens? What does it do instead?

Instead, the cholesterol is deposited in blood vessel walls in the form of cholesterol transporting vehicles, lack of protein, in particular a sticky form of these lipoproteins. They lay down inside the blood vessel walls as a repair mechanism, over and over again, and over the years the deposits develop that eventually lead to heart attacks and strokes.

Do regular people get enough Vitamin C?

Most of us get too little. Just imagine the goat, the animal is always producing about 15,000 milligrams of Vitamin C every day, so we can deduct from that, that every human being should be taking at least 1,000 milligrams a day as a minimum. People with heart disease, family history of heart disease, high risk factors, should take even more.

Say someone anticipating a heart problem takes a lot of Vitamin C, but there are already deposits in their blood vessels. How can they get rid of those?

We had a patent received that combines Vitamin C with amino acids, glycine and proline in order to achieve exactly that. Not only the prevention of the build up but also the reversal of already existing deposits. So, what we do have there is a teflon effect that protects the blood vessel walls from the further deposits, release the already existing cholesterol deposits from the blood vessel wall, thereby reversing these deposits, thereby reversing cardiovascular disease and we have the healing effect of Vitamin C in that combination. So we’re talking about a major breakthrough for human health on a global level, a natural reversal of cardiovascular disease which thus far has only been able to be accomplished with surgical procedures like angioplasty and bypass surgery.

Can you take too much? Is there a level where you should stop taking them?

With respect to Vitamin C and the other vitamins it is relatively difficult to get too much. With respect to lysine and proline, our knowledge currently stops at about 10 grams per day, so be careful going with higher recommendations with it.

Can people get enough Vitamin C from food? Could they eat enough if they wanted to?

If you want to get the Vitamin C that a goat produces every day, you would have to drink 280 glasses of orange juice. That gives you the ratio of what we are talking about. Everyone should get as much vitamins as possible with their general food and nutrition every day. But on top of that, we just understand from a science point of view that the human body just functions better if it has the optimum nutrition, particularly the cardiovascular system which is under high demand from the constant pumping function, constant pulse wave. These cells and these organs need a lot of the nutritional supplement that we recommend.

Are there certain kinds of supplements like Vitamin C that are better than others? Are there different ways to make it?

Generally what we do is recommend the natural forms of these vitamins. For example, Vitamin E. There are studies of it that show that the natural forms of Vitamin E are more effective, biologically more beneficial for the body. To make sure that we use all the vitamins in the highest quality and that’s the general recommendation, that people should really look where they get their vitamins from.

We need a balanced program that contains a variety of nutritious supplements, in particular vitamins, amino acids, certain minerals, trace elements, and then we will find that we can lower the doses dramatically.

How big a problem is heart disease in the United States, or in the world?

It’s the number one killer in the United States. It’s the number one killer in all industrialized countries. Roughly, one billion people living today will die from cardiovascular disease.

Is it a deficiency of Vitamin C that causes the problem and if so does a person only have to meet the recommended daily allowance. Or if not do you need more than the recommended daily allowance?

The recommended daily allowance of 60 milligrams per day of Vitamin C is ridiculous. It is enough to prevent scurvy but it is not enough to protect the arteries from developing the crevices and the leaks that lead to cholesterol deposits and to heart attacks and strokes.

What is the role of Vitamin C in combination with other antioxidants? Is Vitamin C working alone enough to prevent heart disease?

Vitamin C is the first barrier in the line of antioxidant defense, molecules. And it works together with Vitamin E and beta carotene in protecting the body. But besides the Vitamin C antioxidant connection, Vitamin C’s the most important role with respect to cardiovascular health is the stimulation of the collagen molecule production, the reinforcement molecules. So, Vitamin C equals stability of the blood vessel wall, and that’s the clue for preventing heart attacks and strokes.

Can people who are 40-50 year old and who have never taken any vitamins their whole life long, can they help themselves now by starting to take vitamins at this age?

Everyone around us is following their program–people with existing heart conditions, of course they should be the first ones. The recommendation we have has actually two legs. One is a preventive one for you and me for 200 million Americans, and one is a therapeutic one as an add on to conventional therapy for 50 million Americans who have already developed cardiovascular conditions.

Does it take different lengths of time for the different components of the different kinds of antioxidants to take effect in your body? Might some start working right away and might it take a build up of others to go until the cells become healthy?

What we know is that a body that has been depleted of vitamins needs a certain time until the cells are saturated with the essential nutrients. So the answer is yes, you need to take about one to two weeks the nutritional supplements until for example, your angina pectoris decreases, or until you can see your irregular heartbeat become more regular, or until your blood pressure starts to drop.

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