564 Search results

For the term "usana".


Goldenseal (Hydrastis Canadensis), one of today’s most popular herbs, has many different medicinal uses. These uses are derived from its many constituents, including the alkaloids berberine and hydrastine. It is important to note, however,...

Sports Nutrition

Sports Nutrition

Sound sports nutrition gives any athlete the winning edge by allowing the body to efficiently make energy, fuel performance, build muscle, and repair injury. The best nutrition for each individual depends on that person’s...

Smoker’s Nutrition

Smoker’s Nutrition

Containing over 4,000 chemicals, including more than sixty known carcinogenic (cancer-causing) substances, tobacco smoke has an obvious negative impact on health. People who smoke cigarettes or any other form of tobacco are at greater...

Men’s Health

Men’s Health

There are many health problems facing men today, but there are also many men who have yet to experience any of these disorders. The following includes nutrition recommendations for healthy men who wish to...

Memory Enhancement

Memory Enhancement

00Memory loss – the failure to retrieve stored mental information – can be caused by a variety of factors. Mental and physical stress, lack of sleep, hormonal imbalance, recreational drug use, and alcoholism, as...

Lead Busters

Lead Busters

It’s referred to as the number one pediatric problem that is completely preventable. It causes hyperactivity, learning disabilities and even brain damage. The problem is lead poisoning, and in some inner cities up to...

Epidemic or Misdiagnosis?

Epidemic or Misdiagnosis?

In 1990, there were 900,000 children taking Ritalin. This year that number stands at more than 4 million — a cause of concern for many parents, teachers and more and more doctors. Is it...

How to protect yourself from the sun

How to protect yourself from the sun

Some exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun is necessary for the body to produce vitamin D. Overexposure can have harmful side effects, particularly in fair-skinned people who produce only small amounts of melanin,...

Coping With Hepatitis C

Coping With Hepatitis C

Like most viruses, there is no cure for hepatitis C. Four million Americans carry the virus that attacks the liver, but simple lifestyle changes can prevent hepatitis C from becoming deadly. John Carrano enjoys...

Know how to use herb

Know how to use herb

Millions of Americans take dietary supplements. Vitamins and minerals are usually downed with breakfast. Now, herbs are also finding their way into our diets. In fact, last year Americans spent $3.2 billion on Mother...

Athletes and Organic Foods

Athletes and Organic Foods

Some athletes mistakenly think that organic foods are more nutritious than foods that are not produced organically. Susan M. Kleiner, Ph.D., R.D., author of Power Eating, dispels some of the myths associated with organically...

Nutritional Cocktails

Nutritional Cocktails

They’ll do anything to pump up their muscles. Weight lifters, especially professional ones, take an incredible assortment of dietary supplements each day with the hope of building big muscles. What are the supplements du...

Food and drink for diabetes

Food and drink for diabetes

Eating healthily is one of the main ways in which you can manage your diabetes and help keep your heart and blood vessels working efficiently. You may be overweight if you have Type 2...

Food types and how they affect health in Diabetes

Food types and how they affect health in Diabetes

Complex carbohydrates (starches): e.g. rice, potatoes, pasta – your body’s main source of energy, they cause a gradual rise in your blood glucose – about two-fifths of each meal should consist of this type...

How RESET Works

How RESET Works

It’s no secret that the key to effective weight loss is making positive changes in diet and exercise. That’s why USANA scientists developed the USANA RESET™ weight-management program—to help people jumpstart healthy eating habits...

Vitamins: What’s Right For You?

Vitamins: What’s Right For You?

Go to any health store, and you might walk out feeling like you neglect your body. They sell every vitamin under the sun… and you might take just one of them. Don’t feel bad....

Healthier Cooking for Diabetics

Healthier Cooking for Diabetics

How can I cook food to make it low in fat? Grill, steam, microwave, or bake foods rather than frying them to reduce their fat content. Placing meat on a rack in the oven...

Achieving a balanced diet

Achieving a balanced diet

The old saying “You are what you eat” is only partly true. It takes a great deal more than just food to create a holistically healthy person, but food does form a good foundation...

What do You Mix it with?

What do You Mix it with?

90 percent of Americans don’t get the recommended 21–38 grams of fiber in their daily diet. Why is this? Perhaps it’s our hectic schedules that don’t allow us the time to think about fiber....

Liver Health

Liver Health

The largest gland in the human body, the liver lies below the diaphragm, in the thoracic region of ht abdomen. The liver has a number of important functions, including storage of glycogen, the body’s...

Oxidized LDL

Oxidized LDL

The prime focus of most drug research concerning cardiovascular disease has been about lowering cholesterol levels, and that is about all you will hear in their ads on television. However, thousands of studies are...

The Role of Nutritions in Our Body

The Role of Nutritions in Our Body

Our understanding of vitamins and minerals – and other micronutrients, compounds, and elements – and their role in our body has improved dramatically over the last decades. We now know that “micronutrition” – or...

Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and Minerals

Should you take supplements? Supplements are not a replacement for food, and most cannot be ingested without food. They cannot be taken in place of a good diet, but their beneficial effects will be...

Have you been to a juice bar lately?

Have you been to a juice bar lately?

“Immune Builder,” “Pineapple Passion” and “Zeus Juice” are just some flavors to choose from. What’s in a name? Just how nutritious are these smoothies? Juice bars are sprouting up all over the place. They’re...

Low-fat diets reduce cancer risk

Low-fat diets reduce cancer risk

Too much animal products and not enough vegetables and sunlight may increase a woman’s risk for breast cancer. A new study suggests diet may be the number one risk factor for breast cancer. William...