Category: Mental Health

Slow ALS Symptoms Dr.’s Q&A

Slow ALS Symptoms Dr.’s Q&A

What happens in ALS, and what does it do to a person? Dr. Rosenfeld: ALS, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, is a motor neuron disease, which means nerve cells are dying. Motor nerve cells normally...

Virtual Therapy

Virtual Therapy

When should a person consider the fear of heights a problem? Fear of heights would be a problem for a person if they restricted their lifestyle and avoided situations that are objectively harmless. What...

Brain Game

Brain Game

The American Medical Association estimates that one in every 200 people will develop Parkinson’s Disease, a disorder that affects movement, speech and swallowing. There is no cure, but a video game created by Arizona...

Fearless Speaking

Fearless Speaking

For many people, the number one fear is not snakes, spiders, or even the dentist. It’s public speaking. Here’s a woman who can help you survive getting up in front of a crowd. Not...

Can Money Buy Happiness?

Can Money Buy Happiness?

“He who has so little knowledge of human nature as to seek happiness by changing anything but his own disposition will waste his life away in fruitless efforts.” David Myers, Ph.D., a professor at...

The Search For Happiness

The Search For Happiness

Philosophers from the early centuries onward have long been captivated by the search for happiness. Their theories have been varied throughout the years, but they all believed they had ultimately solved the mystery. Ancient...

Help is a call Away

Help is a call Away

A simple phone call could be all it takes to help depressed patients reduce their symptoms. Researchers from Group Health Cooperative’s Center for Health Studies in Seattle studied 600 depressed patients. They tested two...

Behavior Therapy for Crime Victims

Behavior Therapy for Crime Victims

A new study shows victims of crime who resolved their sleep disturbances also showed an improvement in anxiety and depression associated with post traumatic stress disorder. Researchers in New Mexico recruited 62 participants to...

Placebo Effect

Placebo Effect

At the turn of the century, they called it “snake oil” and it cured what ailed you. Or did it? And what about modern-day pills and potions and medical treatments? Do they work? More...

Pricking Away Pain

Pricking Away Pain

Americans who suffer from depression have the choice of seeking psychotherapy, taking anti-depressant drugs or both. A team of Tucson researchers think they’ve found one more way to relieve the blues. Rose, Depression Study...

Midday naps can refuel your brain

Midday naps can refuel your brain

SET ASIDE YOUR notion of siestas—those long midday naps—as the lazy person’s excuse to slumber. Numerous recent studies show that shut-eye lasting up to 90 minutes not only helps build and boost brain power,...

Remember This

Remember This

Carrying out everyday tasks and activities such as driving and exercising, performing well at your job, and maintaining satisfying relationships is possible due to your capacity to remember. Whatever your age, you can take...

Cross Train Your Brain

Cross Train Your Brain

As we age, our bodies tend to deteriorate. Muscles shrink. Hearts and lungs weaken. We can counteract these with regular exercise, but there’s one very important part of our bodies that often gets overlooked...

Biological Cause for Winter Blues

Biological Cause for Winter Blues

There may be a biological explanation for people who suffer from depression during the winter, according to a study. Seasonal Affective Disorder is a common ailment resulting in depression during the winter. Symptoms often...

Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal Affective Disorder

For most of us, the end of summer and arrival of winter is no big deal. However, for some people, too little sunshine is a major life crisis — one with its own diagnosis:...

Tattoos, Body Piercing, Send Up Red Flags

Tattoos, Body Piercing, Send Up Red Flags

Doctors who see tattoos and/or body piercings at sites other than at the earlobes on their young patients may want to assess them for other risky behaviors, say researchers publishing in Pediatrics. Their study...

Professional Help for Mental Illness

Professional Help for Mental Illness

A recent study points out the large numbers of adults with common and treatable mental disorders who don’t seek professional help. Researchers in New York surveyed more than 8,000 adults between ages 15 and...

Determining Dementia Prognosis

Determining Dementia Prognosis

The best care for persons with advanced dementia is hindered because of the difficulty in estimating their prognosis with accuracy — until now. Researchers have created a model to help determine the risk of...

Understanding Alzheimer’s

Understanding Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s disease isn’t just about losing your keys. It’s about forgetting what your keys are for. This mind-robbing disease affects more than three million people in the United States and currently has no cure....

Mental Spring Cleaning

Mental Spring Cleaning

With the beautiful weather and renewed energy the season brings, many will tackle the yearly ritual of spring cleaning. While you’re removing clutter, consider cleaning your mind as well. After all, doesn’t it get...

Recovery High

Recovery High

The teenage years are some of the toughest we face. Sometimes the pressure can be too much to take. In a recent survey, 73 percent of teens said school stress is the number one...

Myasthenia Gravis

Myasthenia Gravis

Myasthenia gravis is a chronic autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks the body’s own proteins as foreign antigens. Specifically, the immune system targets and interferes with acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that transmits messages...

Migraine Headaches

Migraine Headaches

A migraine headache is a moderate to severe headache, usually occurring on one side of the head only. It can last from several hours to three days, and is often accompanied by gastrointestinal problems...

Happy and Healthy

Happy and Healthy

What makes you happy? Money? Love? Family? Friends? No matter how they define it, 30 percent of people said they were very happy in a recent survey, 60 percent said they were pretty happy...

Gloomy Apprehensions

Gloomy Apprehensions

Dreary weather got you down? You’re not alone. Many Americans experience melancholy days, especially during this time of year — when colder temperatures and less light dampen the mood. In fact, a Duke study...



Trichotillomania, aka “trich”, is a disorder that causes people to literally pull out their hair. Some people pull out their eyelashes or eyebrows; others pull from their scalp, arms, or legs. Although few people...

Superfoods help to boost your brain power

Superfoods help to boost your brain power

Ever stop in the middle of a room and can’t remember why you’re there. Don’t stress that you’re having a senior moment! Instead, stock your fridge with these healthy brain-boosting foods. Some are also...

Cognitive Problems After Heart Surgery

Cognitive Problems After Heart Surgery

New research shows evidence of a link between cardiopulmonary bypass surgery and impaired memory and attention. The study, for the first time, shows that cognitive problems persist beyond the first couple of weeks after...

Steer Off Stress

Steer Off Stress

More and more medical studies are showing a link between stress and heart disease, cancer and other chronic conditions. While you can’t completely eliminate stress from your life, there are things you can do...