Monthly Archive: May 2011

Time For Braces

Time For Braces

More than four million people in the United States and Canada see orthodontists hoping for that perfect smile. While you might think you have to wait until your child loses his or her baby...

Shoulder Therapy

Shoulder Therapy

A Norweigan approach to healing an injured shoulder has become the preferred treatment at a hospital in the American southwest. Alphonse had shoulder pain: “I couldn’t hardly move the left arm at all. I...

Discuss Foot Problems

Discuss Foot Problems

What kinds of problems do you see in the weekend athlete? They are not prepared to play, absolutely. They don’t stretch, they just go out and play. They have three beers and then fracture...

Get Your Calcium Q&A

Get Your Calcium Q&A

How does a woman know whether she is getting enough calcium? Dr. Chihal: I like to tell patients that the average American diet has about 350 milligrams of calcium in it. That’s what most...

Lift Your Mood With Food

Lift Your Mood With Food

Foods can have effects — positive and negative — on your physical and mental health. While there’s no simple nutrition prescription for a cheerful attitude, these healthy eating guidelines could improve your mood and...

Gum Disease Test

Gum Disease Test

Reports that high cholesterol gives us a two-and-a-half times greater chance of getting heart disease caused many of us to cut the fat from our diet. What would you do if you found out...

Chronic Pain Drugs

Chronic Pain Drugs

Six to 10 million Americans — most of them women — spend every waking moment in pain. Their condition known as fibromyalgia has been difficult to treat because its exact cause is unknown. Two...

Uneven Limbs

Uneven Limbs

You could go your whole life and never know that you had one leg shorter than the other one. And if it doesn’t cause you any problems, why should you care? Well, what a...

Superwoman Syndrome

Superwoman Syndrome

The superwoman syndrome … it doesn’t mean you’re jumping off high buildings with a simple leap, more likely it’s a woman trying to do it all. Today the superwoman syndrome affects women of all...

Biological Cause for Winter Blues

Biological Cause for Winter Blues

There may be a biological explanation for people who suffer from depression during the winter, according to a study. Seasonal Affective Disorder is a common ailment resulting in depression during the winter. Symptoms often...

Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal Affective Disorder

For most of us, the end of summer and arrival of winter is no big deal. However, for some people, too little sunshine is a major life crisis — one with its own diagnosis:...

Healthy Gardeners Grow Healthy Gardens

Healthy Gardeners Grow Healthy Gardens

For many people, gardening is an essential, enjoyable part of life. Whether you harvest fruits and veggies, turn your yard into a floral paradise, or a little of both, gardening is great physical activity....

Vitamins in Your Fifties

Vitamins in Your Fifties

Your fifties are most likely the decade of the menopause. And, rather like childbirth, it’s impossible to say how each woman’s experience will be. However, even if it goes enviably smoothly, there are inevitable...

Vitamins in Your Thirties and Forties

Vitamins in Your Thirties and Forties

In Your Thirties … What’s going on This is the decade when a lot of us are thinking about fertility: getting pregnant, trying to get pregnant, or worrying that you’ll never have the opportunity...

On-the-Job Fitness

On-the-Job Fitness

Biking or walking to work is simply not possible for everyone. If your commute must be by car or train, you can still find fun, easy ways to get more activity into your work...

Toothy Matters

Toothy Matters

As summer approaches, biking and other active pursuits can mean an increased risk of injuries, including a loose, broken, or knocked-out tooth. This is painful and traumatic, but doesn’t necessarily mean a permanent gap...

How to make your vitamins work for YOU

How to make your vitamins work for YOU

The vitamin shelf at any health shop can be mind-bogging. What’s more, the supplements you need for optimum health vary according to your age. There’s no substitute for a good diet. That’s the first...

Liquid Gold – Honey

Liquid Gold – Honey

The healing power of honey has been raved about for centuries but scientists are now seriously researching the health benefits – from healing wounds and alleviating IBS to relieving hay fever. A lot of...

Eat Right

Eat Right

Thou shalt track every bite. Whenever I bust out the food journal, the pounds melt away. Trouble is, after a few days I figure I’ve mastered the art of tracking – which, let’s face...

The Dieting Commandments

The Dieting Commandments

Thou shalt eat only when hungry. During the day this is easy; I’m so busy, I remember to eat only when my stomach growls. But temptations pop up in the evening, and I start...

Heart disease

Heart disease

Once you’ve been through menopause and the levels of estrogen in your blood have decreased, your risk for heart disease increases. Protecting your heart helps safeguard your old age. Heart disease is the world’s...

Bean There, Done That

Bean There, Done That

Legumes might not be quite as powerful as the magic beans that sprouted into Jack’s beanstalk, but they do contain a lot of nutritional bang for the buck — they’re filling, and an excellent...

Boosting your immunity

Boosting your immunity

Like an invisible army, your immune system diligently patrols your body, working around the clock to fight bacteria, viruses, or other enemies that can poison your system. Symptoms vs Illness The first step towards...

Stress Incontinence

Stress Incontinence

Although stress incontinence is most typically associated with pregnancy, declining levels of estrogen during and after menopause can lower muscular tone, increasing the risk of leakage. Most of the causes of stress incontinence are...

Is It Life or Fibromyalgia?

Is It Life or Fibromyalgia?

Almost everyone experiences occasional aches, pains, and fatigue. But if such symptoms increase in frequency or severity, or are accompanied by other indicators, they could point to a chronic illness such as fibromyalgia. One...

Essential Medical Tests for Women

Essential Medical Tests for Women

Mothers, daughters, sisters, and friends need to make their health a top priority, especially for early detection and treatment of heart disease and cancer. All women should undergo these essential medical tests: Regular blood...

Healthy, Happy Gift Giving

Healthy, Happy Gift Giving

The best gift you can give is good health… for their sake and yours. Instead of calorie- and fat-laden restaurant meals, desserts, or candy, create a memorable day: Head to the local farmer’s market...

New Breast Cancer Detection

New Breast Cancer Detection

It’s being called the Pap smear for the breast. A new medical procedure that tests the cells in the breast for breast cancer, much like a pap smear tests cells for cervical cancer. This...

New Help For Kidney Cancer

New Help For Kidney Cancer

As many as 24,000 new cases of metastatic kidney cancer are diagnosed each year. Most with little chance of recovery. But now researchers at the UCLA School of Medicine, have developed a treatment that...