Monthly Archive: November 2010

Heart Disease Q&A

Heart Disease Q&A

What is the prevalence of heart diseases in Americans? Heart disease is the biggest killer of all of the chronic diseases. Cancer comes second. They say if you don’t die of heart disease you’re...

Pancreatic Cancer and Diabetes

Pancreatic Cancer and Diabetes

The findings come from Japanese investigators who tested the technique on 86 patients in the hopes of identifying the cancer in its early stages. Although the procedure failed to find the cancer before it...

Quitting Smoking Reduces Lung Cancer Risk

Quitting Smoking Reduces Lung Cancer Risk

Quitting smoking can decrease the risk of developing all different types of lung cancer, including those most and least closely associated with tobacco use. Lung cancer is typically divided into two major types: small...

Can Vaccines Cause Autism?

Can Vaccines Cause Autism?

Why has the incidence of autism increased? Do you think vaccines relate to this? There really is not a good hypothesis right now to explain that increase. I think many parents have been concerned...

Autism Disorders

Autism Disorders

Is there the chance that some of these disorders were completely different disorders and not autism? Yes, because autism is defined completely by behavior at this point. There are hints about the biological causes...

What is the incidence of autism?

What is the incidence of autism?

Autism was conceived as a very specific disorder almost always associated with mental retardation, but quite severe. The estimates there were four or five per 10,000 kids, so maybe one in 2,000 kids, had...

Diabetics may Need More Than Diet

Diabetics may Need More Than Diet

People with type 2 diabetes who try to control the condition with diet alone may not be receiving all the health services they need. That’s the key finding from a new study out of...

Halting Diabetes

Halting Diabetes

Researchers from UCLA have discovered what they call a “remarkable” new tool in the fight against diabetes. An 18-month clinical trial shows a new drug halts the progression of type 1 diabetes and improves...

USANA Sense product

USANA Sense product

Beautinutrients (InnerHealth) were originally designed as a bridge from the USANA Sense product line to the USANA Nutritionals and Dr. Wentz’ nutritional philosophy. This product played the supplement role of USANA Sense’s “inner and...

Eating Soy to Prevent Disease

Eating Soy to Prevent Disease

Does soy kill the cancer or just prevent it? Kumar: Soy stops prostate cancer from progressing. One of the characteristics of prostate cancer cells is they proliferate purposelessly, very quickly and at a higher...

Soy Diet and Prostate Cancer

Soy Diet and Prostate Cancer

Nagi B. Kumar, R.D., explains the value of incorporating soy into your diet to prevent and/or lessen the effects of prostate cancer. What effect has soy shown to have in cancers? Kumar: Soy is...

Supplements Slow Weight Gain

Supplements Slow Weight Gain

Jennifer Love, Ph.D., explains how some common supplements can keep middle-age weight gain from building up. When you learned of the study that showed these common supplements slow down weight associated with getting older,...

Stress Hormones

Stress Hormones

Our bodies naturally generate stress hormones on a daily basis, we need them to survive. During periods of stress, the levels of these hormones can go up and that’s generally a good thing. It...

New Vaccines for Cancer

New Vaccines for Cancer

BOSTON (Ivanhoe Newswire) — Could the cure for breast cancer come in a shot? What about a vaccine to treat prostate cancer? Doctors are now looking past measles and mumps and developing vaccines to...

Teenagers to reduce salt intake

Teenagers to reduce salt intake

For many teens, fast food, pizza, and cereal are food groups in and of themselves. There are many problems with a processed food heavy diet, but high salt intake is of particular concern –...

Healthy Bacteria – Probiotics

Healthy Bacteria – Probiotics

Probiotics are finally being understood for their extreme importance in intestinal health and immune system strength. Stomach upset, fatigue, frequent colds and flu, sensitivity to milk and dairy products, are some of the signs...



An arrhythmia is any change in the regular rhythm of the heart. It is typically due to interference with the electrical pathways of the heart and are responsible for over 400,000 deaths each year....

Urinary Tract Infections Vaccine

Urinary Tract Infections Vaccine

American scientists say they are a step close to a vaccine that could prevent majority of urinary tract infections. UTI is caused by E.coli bacteria and the vaccine could potentially save billions of dollars...

Set a minimum calorie price

Set a minimum calorie price

Setting a minimum price as a mechanism to reduce consumption of particular substances is fraught with difficulty. That lesson has been well-learned in Scotland during the extensive debate over the SNP Government’s proposal to...

Fight Type 2 diabetes

Fight Type 2 diabetes

According to a study released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, roughly one in three Americans will be diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes by the year 2050. “That is just frightening,” said...