Traveling Light

Summer vacation is a time to take a break from the daily grind. But that doesn’t mean abandoning good nutrition and exercise. You can still get away without getting away from healthy habits. So try these ideas for staying trim on your trip.

  • Pack snacks, especially for your flight. Airports’ and airlines’ limited food options usually are a high cost and have low value. Instead, travel with your own stash. Take trail mix, fruit, carrot sticks, or high–fiber granola bars — anything healthy you can stow in your carry–on and eat on the go.
  • Ration portions. Chances are you’ll be cooking less and eating out more. Enjoy guilt–free splurges by splitting meals, ordering off the child’s menu, having an appetizer plus a salad or vegetable side, or wrapping up half your dish for later.
  • Have fun in the sun. While rest and relaxation should be part of the schedule, don’t forget active recreation. Instead of floating on a raft, rent a kayak. Hike or bike the local trails. Visit the sites on foot rather than bus or cab — most popular destinations offer walking tours through scenic and historic landmarks.

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