Peak Technique

Putting one foot in front of another is second nature for most. But just because you’ve been toddling since you were in diapers doesn’t mean you’re technically astute. Years of sauntering with your own style and form could mean you’ve settled into a groove that compromises muscular-skeletal efficiency… and even health. Refresh your technique to enhance effectiveness and reduce risk for injury.

Always remember to strike with your heel first and avoid locking out your knees.

Take small steps — too long and you could over-exert your joints and muscles.

Engage your abs. Imagine a string pulling you up from your belly button through the top of your head. A sagging gut can put pressure on your lower back and even reduce air capacity in your lungs.

Keep your chin up, shoulders back, and your eyes fixed on a distance about 20 feet ahead of you. Looking downward will roll your shoulders and neck forward, causing strain on your back. Not to mention you might just walk into something… or someone.

Relax your shoulders and hands as you swing your arms naturally, keeping your elbows bent at a 90-degree angle.

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