Equal Footing

When winter hands off the seasonal baton to spring, synchronize your own equilibrium, both on the job and in the home:

  • Remove dead branches. Even a beautiful flower withers under winter’s frost. To give it a chance to grow again, it must be pruned. Look at your life and determine what areas are weighing you down, keeping you from flourishing in the sun — perhaps over–commitments, an unhealthy habit or addiction, a bad relationship. Take out the gardening shears… and cut them off.
  • Fertilize the soil. To thrive, you need sustenance — not just nutritionally, but emotionally and mentally. Look for opportunities to cultivate your well–being, whether it’s finally getting a gym membership, enrolling in a class, joining a book club, or volunteering. Commit to add an activity into your week that will nourish your mind and soul.
  • Mow and weed. De–cluttering the landscape enhances not just its aesthetic appeal, but also its function. Get organized to simplify and beautify your personal surroundings. Wash your car and clean it out. Tidy your purse or backpack. Attack a closet or desk drawer littered in disarray. Ordering your physical space helps harmonize your life.

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