New Braces

Whether you’re a kid or an adult, having braces on your teeth isn’t any fun. It can be painful, not to mention inconvenient. Now there are new braces that cut down on both problems.

Fourteen-year-old Tom dreaded getting braces to fix his overbite. Other kids told him it would be painful. “They said it would really hurt, but it hasn’t been like that at all,” says Tom.

They look like regular braces, but they’re not. Here’s how the Damon braces differ. The old-fashioned way, metal ties or rubberbands secure the wires in place. The constant pulling causes teeth and gums to become sore.

Tom’s braces are adjusted more easily. The wire is simply strung through a brace, which opens like a miniature garage door. Once the wire’s in place, the door is closed and locked.

The degree of soreness is significantly less,” says an orthodontist. “That’s a significant advantage for an adult. Kids don’t mind pain all that much, but adults do.”

The inventors of the new braces say this process may also move teeth faster, trimming time off the average two-and-a-half years most patients spend in braces.

Visits are cut down, too. Instead of an appointment every four weeks, most come in every ten. A big plus for working parents like Tom’s mother, Tina. “It saves us a lot of time and aggravation,” she says.

Tom says wearing braces isn’t any fun, but at least he isn’t in any pain. He’s happy he got to try the new braces out. He’ll be even happier when he’s metal-free.

Traditional braces cost between two to four thousand dollars. You will pay more for the Damon braces. How much depends on your orthodontist and what needs to be done to your teeth. If you have a dental plan, check to see if orthodontic work is covered.

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