Tagged: DHA

DHA and Omega-3 Fatty Acids

DHA and Omega-3 Fatty Acids

The term healthy fat may sound too good to be true, but that’s exactly what docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and other omega-3 fatty acids are. They are monounsaturated, which means they are room temperature –...

Prozac from the Sea

Prozac from the Sea

Fatty fish is the best dietary source of DHA and EPA. Ounce for ounce, you get the biggest omega-3 bang for your buck with salmon, herring, lake trout, anchovies and sardines. Other seafood is...

DHA for kids

DHA for kids

DHA isn’t just a fee-good nutrient for grown-ups. It is critical for brain and vision development in babies and children, too. Babies born to moms who consume ample DHA during their pregnancies and while...

Avoiding Alzheimer’s

Avoiding Alzheimer’s

One of the contributing factors in Alzheimer’s is the accumulation of nerve tangles, called amyloid plague, in the brain. Preliminary research shows that DHA might help prevent these tangles by up to 40%. DHA...

Why Your Memory Loves DHA

Why Your Memory Loves DHA

The more than one milling Americans who slip into mild memory loss and the half a million who develop more serious dementias each year would do well to consider cutting way back on artery-clogging...