March – Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

BUILDING AWARENESS of the cancer that affects the colon and rectum is vital, because early detection through regular screening can beat colorectal cancer—the second-leading cause of cancer deaths in the U.S., behind lung cancer.

The Colon Cancer Alliance kicks off the month with Dress in Blue Day on Friday, March 2, to get people to talk about this preventable, treatable and beatable disease, and take action through fundraising efforts to work toward a future without it.

Who is at risk for colorectal cancer?

• Men and women age 50 and older
• People who use tobacco, are obese or are sedentary
• Those with a family history of colorectal cancer, polyps or other types of bowel disease

How can you reduce risk?
• Don’t smoke.
• Don’t drink alcohol excessively.
• Be physically active and exercise regularly.
• Maintain a healthy weight.
• Eat a high-fiber diet rich in fruits, veg etables, nuts, beans and whole grains.
• Consume calcium-rich foods such as low-fat or skim milk.
• Limit red-meat consumption and avoid processed meats.

Where can you get more information?

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