Hydrogen Factor

Ever wondered what pH balanced actually means? Simply put, pH (potential hydrogen) is the concentration of hydrogen ions in a given solution — a low pH is oxygen-deprived, or acidic, while a high pH is oxygen-rich, or alkaline. The pH in a healthy body varies — measuring low in parts of the digestive tract or vaginal area for women, slightly acidic on the skin, relatively neutral in saliva, and slightly alkaline in the blood.

Recent research suggests that Western diets and sedentary lifestyles disturb cellular pH levels, often in the direction of acidosis (low blood pH), which may contribute to heart disease, cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, yeast infections, and osteoporosis. In fact, a UC San Francisco study found that women who suffered from chronic acidosis were higher risk for bone fractures.

While you can’t know your exact blood pH without testing, you can promote healthy levels with these steps:

Go green. Eat dark, leafy vegetables like raw spinach, kale, broccoli, beet greens, and chard. They’re highly alkaline, which means they neutralize the acidic buildup in your system.

Avoid refined sugars. Processed flours, sugars, and soft drinks are acid forming.

Mineralize. The body leeches alkaline minerals from your bones to compensate for high acidity, which may leave you deficient. Magnesium, calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin A all play important roles in stabilizing pH levels, so be sure you get enough.

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