Exercising Indoors

Old Man Winter might be happy to play outdoors, but if frolicking in the cold isn’t your thing, you can still get plenty of exercise in the comfort of home with these ideas:

  • Cardio exercises: A stationary bike, trampoline, treadmill, or stepper can give you an excellent cardio workout. If owning the equipment is heavy on your wallet, try jumping rope to burn more calories than you would running an 8–minute mile.
  • Calisthenics: Jumping jacks, squats, sit-ups, knee bends, and push-ups are great ways to get toned. Start slowly and build up repetitions.
  • Targeted exercises: These exercises focus on certain sections of the body, such as abs and thighs. Pull up bars, balls, steppers, and resistance bands can make your routine more effective.
  • Pilates: More than just a type of exercise, Pilates helps improve posture and mobility, while stretching and toning muscles. Check out a DVD at the library or look for a class with a certified instructor.

With a little planning, your physical activity goals don’t need to be on hold until spring.

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