Diabetes Annual Review

What is an annual review?

Once a year, your health professional will assess with you how well your blood glucose level and blood pressure are controlled and check for any signs of the long-term complications of diabetes. Many of the tests are the same as those that were carried out shortly after your diagnosis. You will also have the opportunity to discuss any problems or concerns at your review.

How can I get the most form my annual review?

Write down any questions or concerns you have and take them to your review to help you remember them. During the review, make a note of any changes to your pills or insulin or other medications you are taking. You may also find it useful to write down what any change in treatment is for, how quickly treatment will work, what side effects you should look out for, and what action to take if side effects occur.

What happens if any of my tests are outside the expected range?

You may need changes to your diabetes treatment or other medications to bring your test results back into the recommended range. If you have signs of long-term complications (with your eyes or feet, for example), you will be referred to a specialist.

What should I do if I’m not sure whether I’ve had all the tests I need?

Your medical records will have a comprehensive record of your overall health and should contain information about your latest results. If you want to check that you have had all the tests, you can make an appointment with your doctor about 3 weeks after your annual review.

When do I get my test results?

Some of your tests provide information immediately – for example, your blood pressure or your feet being examined. Others, such as blood tests, may take a week or two before your results are available.

What if I need help between my annual reviews?

Contact your doctor if you have problems such as frequent hypoglycemic attacks, a consistently high blood glucose level, foot injuries that do not heal, sudden vision changes, problems with medication or equipment, or feeling unable to cope with your diabetes. He or she can give information, arrange tests, and make sure you see any other health professionals as needed.

Medical tests at your annual review

• Blood pressure check – identifies how well your blood pressure is controlled.
• Eye examination or photograph – identifies any damage to the retina (the light sensitive part at the backs of your eyes).
• Foot check – assess whether you have poor circulation and/or reduced sensation in your feet.
• Weight and waist and hop measurements – assess whether your weight or body shape increases your risk of cardiovascular disease.
• Urine test – tests for the presence of protein in your urine, which may be a sign of kidney damage.
• Blood tests – several different tests are made on blood samples to assess your overall blood glucose control, blood fats, and kidney function.

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