Recent Studies that Suggest Aspirin May Play a Role in Cancer Prevention and Treatment

Researchers at the University of Oxford have shown that on average, a daily low-dose of aspirin appeared to reduce the risk of dying from cancer by 15 percent. Taking aspirin five years or more reduced the risk 37 percent.

Lead researcher and professor of neurology at the University of Oxford and John Radcliffe Hospital Dr. Peter M. Rothwell commented that, “Aspirin may work against cancer by inhibiting platelets” but added that the research has not been concluded, nor did it prove without a doubt that aspirin combats cancer.

A daily low-dose aspirin has long been recommended as something that should be considered for people who have had a heart attack or stroke as a preventative measure.

The data appears to be piling up in favor of Aspirin, and this research shows promising results so far.

This new data comes as a result of five clinical trials that also looked at daily low-dose (75 mg or more) aspirin and its effect on heart attack and stroke prevention.

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