Diet and Supplementation

Low stress diet

Eliminate the stressors: By eliminating foods and substances which can irritate or create allergic responses, the body has a chance to recover and heal itself. For many diseases, especially the so called “autoimmune” diseases where the body’s immune system attacks the body, and also allergic conditions, starting treatment with a Low Stress Diet gives the greatest likelihood of success.

EAT NO – sugar, white flour, grains (gluten), chocolate, dairy foods, tea, coffee, alcohol, known allergens, tobacco, food additives. (All fast foods, biscuits and cakes also have gluten).

EAT – fish, fruit, vegetables, nuts, berries, seeds, rice, meat and chicken. Use spices and herbs for flavor.

CoEnzyme Q10 (CoQ10)

This is an essential component of all cells. CoQ10 is necessary to produce energy from burning sugars, fats and proteins. CoQ10 levels tend to fall as we age. The levels are also reduced in some situations where the body is not working optimally such as in chronic fatigue, heart failure and multiple sclerosis. In diseases when the energy is down, taking supplemental CoQ10 is often helpful.

CoQ10 supplements are very expensive to produce; it should be Gel coated. Many of the cheaper brands, usually in a normal capsule form, have little action.

The Statin Drugs and Co-enzyme Q10 – The statin group of drugs such as Zocor, Lipitor, Lipex, which is used to lower cholesterol, are almost universally recommended to people who have coronary artery disease. These drugs lower the cholesterol by blocking an enzyme in the liver. This enzyme is necessary to make cholesterol. Unfortunately, HMGCoA reductase is also essential to make CoQ10, and it has been well demonstrated that patients on Statin drugs have low levels of CoQ10. Might this lead to the development of heart failure? Is it a cause of the tiredness, mental confusion and muscle pains that sometimes occur with these drugs? We are not certain.

Most people who understand the actions of statins and CoQ10 agree that everyone who is taking statin drugs also be taking a good Coenzyme Q10 supplement.

Chelation therapy

This is a technique used to remove heavy metals form the body. In the great scheme of things, we were never designed to be exposed to lead, iron, cadmium, mercury and aluminum. Therefore we have no mechanism to remove them when they enter our bodies. This is not quite true, however; a tiny amount is removed through our hair and nails, which is why analysis of hair is often used to diagnose heavy toxicity.

There are a number of compounds which can bind to the heavy metal in our bodies, and as these compounds are excreted, they take the heavy y metal with them – this process is called chelation. Some chelating agents can be taken by mouth, such as lipoic acid, DMSA and DMPS, while others need to be given by intravenous drip (EDTA).

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