Managing Motion Sickness

Ever feel a little queasy when riding in a car? Or wish the boat would stop rocking? You might be experiencing motion sickness, which happens when your brain gets the wrong information about the environment. In most instances, the inner ear detects you’re moving, but the eyes don’t perceive this. Although motion sickness can put a damper on your travel plans, there are ways to prevent it:

  • Focus on the far horizon: Concentrating on the vista ahead forces your eyes to recognize the vehicle is in motion, which sends your brain the correct message.
  • Get some fresh air: Take time to breathe it in. If you’re in a car, pull over, get out, and stretch; on a boat, head for the deck; in a plane, open the overhead vent.
  • Plan light meals: Avoid heavy or greasy meals before you head out. Snack frequently on crackers and fruit, and skip the alcohol — opt for water instead.
  • Watch for early symptoms: Learn to recognize signs such as nausea, fatigue, and sweating. Take measures to prevent them by slowing down the vehicle, opening the window, turning the air vents toward you, or going for a walk.
  • Take over–the–counter medication: Antihistamines and skin patch treatments can alleviate the onset of motion sickness. If they don’t help, check with your doctor for other options.

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