Category: Skin Care

BEST Beauty Sites

BEST Beauty Sites

For discovering new products and lots of free samples These sites carry a well-curated selection of high-end, trendy, and hard-to-find brands of makeup and skin-care products. You can shop by...

7 Beauty Treatments to Avoid

7 Beauty Treatments to Avoid

If you’re considering a little nip and tuck, you should also think about whether that nipping is really worth trucking away lots of paychecks to cover the costs. Some widely used treatments are not...

Anti-Aging: The Pro’s Secrets

Anti-Aging: The Pro’s Secrets

Forget a personal chef – if we won the lottery, we’d enlist a personal dermatologist to hover by our side so that we’d get the ultimate advice on how to treat our skin. We’d...

Pumpkin Facial Peel

Pumpkin Facial Peel

A new brush-on cosmetic peel is being made from pure pumpkin — yes, the kind of pumpkin pies are made from. Cosmetic Dermatologist: “There are well over 100 separate chemicals as part of a...

Get Your Skin Summer Ready

Get Your Skin Summer Ready

Summer is approaching, and it’s time to make sure you look great all over. Naturally active oats are the perfect starting point … Soft, smooth, supple, glowing: it’s how we want our skin to...

Wipe Out Stretch Marks

Wipe Out Stretch Marks

If you recently had a baby, lost a lot of weight or have a teen going through a growth spurt, you’re familiar with stretch marks. Aside from old wive’s tales, there’s been no proven...

Cold Sores

Cold Sores

According to researchers, about 80 percent of us have had a cold sore at one time or another. They’re ugly, they sting and they can ruin a date. People try everything to get rid...

Zapping Psoriasis

Zapping Psoriasis

An estimated 6.5 million Americans suffer from psoriasis… a disorder which produces red patches and thick, dry scales on the skin. The unsightly condition can be a source of both emotional and physical discomfort....

Stopping Skin Cancer

Stopping Skin Cancer

Summer is in sight. The days are longer, which means we have more time to expose ourselves to the sun. Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States. But...

Detecting Melanoma

Detecting Melanoma

Full-body skin examinations performed by doctors and patients can effectively detect early forms of melanoma, according to a new study conducted by researchers at the University of Florence. Researchers studied more than 800 patients...

Determine if a mole is cancerous

Determine if a mole is cancerous

How were melanomas detected before melanomagraphies? The old fashioned way was to just look at a mole and try to determine if it was good or bad. Experienced clinicians are able to diagnose melanoma...

Fight Against Melanoma

Fight Against Melanoma

Forty-thousand new cases of skin cancer are reported each year, and researchers say the number of people with melanoma is increasing faster than those with any other cancer. For the thousands who already have...

Saving Your Skin

Saving Your Skin

When summer’s heat is pounding down on you, it’s easy to remember sun block. But the sun can damage your skin even when it’s overcast or the weather is cool. So be sun smart...



The immune systems of people who have lupus, also known as systemic lupus erythematosus, are unable to distinguish between foreign antigens and the person’s own body. As a result, the immune system creates antibodies...

Skincare au Naturel

Skincare au Naturel

Oatmeal mask? Honey moisturizer? Avocado oil? The all-organic way of life is a growing trend. Not just in what Americans eat, but what they wear on their skin. In fact, you can just apply...

USANA Sense Skin Care

USANA Sense Skin Care

What is Sense Energizing Shower Gel? USANA Sense Energizing shower gel cleanses and conditions the skin without drying, while also providing gentle exfoliation to help eliminate dead skin cells. Jojoba seed and avocado oils...

How to protect yourself from the sun

How to protect yourself from the sun

Some exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun is necessary for the body to produce vitamin D. Overexposure can have harmful side effects, particularly in fair-skinned people who produce only small amounts of melanin,...

Tazorac Help on Psoriasis

Tazorac Help on Psoriasis

The hereditary skin disorder known as psoriasis produces red, scaly skin patches. There is no cure. A new non-greasy gel may provide some patients the best results yet. As her children grow up, Charlotte...

Effective Acne Medication

Effective Acne Medication

A new type of acne medication is effective even when left on the skin for only a short time. Tazarotene gel is a form of vitamin A acid known as a retinoid agent. Retinoids...

USANA Sense product

USANA Sense product

Beautinutrients (InnerHealth) were originally designed as a bridge from the USANA Sense product line to the USANA Nutritionals and Dr. Wentz’ nutritional philosophy. This product played the supplement role of USANA Sense’s “inner and...

Cause of Acne

Cause of Acne

An inflammatory skin condition, acne is characterized by clogged pores, blackheads, and pimples. It is caused by a problem with the oil-secreting sebaceous glands, which lubricate the skin and are found in large numbers...